Auto-filling feature for the My Bookshelf Notion template.
A seamless autofill feature for your Notion Reading List
You can use this autofill feature with the My Bookshelf template to:
By Seven Forward
Supercharge your productivity with our Weekly Notion Templates Newsletter.
Immerse yourself in the adorable world of kawaii aesthetics with the Kawaii Personal Goals Planner! Experience joy and inspiration as you embark on your goal-planning journey.
Organize and track your favorite movies and TV series with ease using this comprehensive Notion template
Boost your productivity with the Animedoro Dashboard template. Animedoro is a focused work approach with timed sessions and anime rewards.
Enhance your emotional literacy and track your feelings with this comprehensive notion template.
Notion template for people who are doing 100 Days of code challenge. record and track your progress with ease.
A fully-automated Stoic Calendar for Notion, displaying your entire lifespan in a clean and organized 90 year view
Airbnb rental package notion template helps you elevate your listings with captivating showcases and seamless guest experiences.
Book Tracker template is for people who don't want to get lost with their books reading progress, because it keeps tracking it for all your books in one place!
Notion Contact List (Personal CRM) template keeps your contacts organized. You will be able to store and manage your contacts and, it additionally has a built-in gift tracker.
Auto Fill Feature for My Bookshelf
by Seven Forward